Painting Tips/tricks
Looking for inspiration?
Look no further, you’ve selected your kit and we want you to be prepped and ready to make your own artistic masterpiece! When you first unpack your kit, think about how you want your ornament or canvas to look. Sure you can follow our design, but hey this is art, and you can throw all the rules aside and go completely your own way if you want to!
What’s in my kit
When you first unpack your kit you will find the canvas of your choice, the paint pots filled with all of the colors you will need, and if you’ve chosen, one of our premium artist brushes.
Getting started
A great tip to a successful painting party, whether you’re working alongside friends or enjoying a crafting session party of one, is to start by laying out your supplies. Personally I like to put down either an old tablecloth or some newsprint to start, something I’m not afraid to get dirty. Then if I’m painting a larger wood canvas I love to use one of our birch wood easels so I can prop my project up while I work. However, when it comes to painting an ornament flat on the table is your best bet! Then fold a few pieces of paper towel in half and place them alongside a glass of water to create a brush washing station for yourself so you won’t have to get up and interrupt your painting
Prepping to paint
The paint pots that have been included in your kit are filled with all of the colors you will need to make your own artistic masterpiece! Our paints are formulated to be used right our of the paint pot, However, there is a little trick I love to use which is to dip my brush in a bit of water and swirl it in the paint before I start using them. This allows the paint to be a little thinner and can make it easier to get a smooth even finish when you’re painting the canvas. If you want to try this technique yourself, just remember to add a little bit of water at a time as too much can make your paints a little dull.
what if i want to use markers instead?
Like we mentioned earlier this is a moment to explore your own creativity and if your vision doesn’t involve paint or you don’t like the mess, no worries we’ve got you covered! One of the reasons we choose to create wood canvases is that they are so incredibly versatile. Our birch wood is finely sanded so you can paint them, color them, or use markers, colored pencils, or even crayons to create your masterpiece. So have fun, do you, and create alongside friends and family of all ages using whatever materials you want!
lets start creating!
Now that we’re all set up and our supplies are unpacked we’re ready to start creating! We hope that you have an incredible time, savor the experience, and make memories creating one of a kind pieces with your loved ones because at the end of the day art is all about enjoying ourselves with the people we love!